UK pet ownerships reaches all time high

  • Father Christmas keeps reindeer as pets and although not many UK household own reindeer, we are still a nation of animal lovers.
  • Nearly two-thirds (62%) of UK households now own a pet, up from just 41% two years ago, ‘pets’ is a top 5 search term for renters.
  • More than 1 in 3 households (34%) own a dog, while 28% of households own a cat. Indoor birds, rabbits and hamsters make up the top 5 most popular pets.
  • 50% of renters think being pet friendly is an important requirement in a property, with more than 1 in 4 liable to rent for longer if they were allowed to keep a pet. Source: Dataloft, Statista, Rightmove, Property Academy Renter Survey, 2022, HomeLet Renter Survey, 2022

Pets have always been the go-to companions for many people in the UK. They can help to combat loneliness and, in some cases, help with people’s mental health. According to dataloft figures, 1 in 3 households owns a dog, and just under 1 in 3 owns cats with indoor birds, rabbits and hamsters making up the top five most popular pets.

As someone who is an avid fitness fanatic, when I am out in my local park jogging I tend to see the same faces out exercising with their pets and large groups are meeting up regularly, along with their dogs, to socialise. I call them the doggy daters as it’s their regular meet-up, and the dogs all play with each other whilst their owners make small talk. 

According to dataloft there has been a 20% increase in owners of pets in the last two years, with pets being a top 5 search item on the internet. Understandably, the most suited properties for dog and cat owners are properties with gardens, however, this doesn’t limit to just freehold houses – flats with communal gardens still provide homeowners with somewhere for their pets to go outside and stretch their legs. If buyers cannot get a property with a garden due to finances, then being close to local parks will also benefit them for the reasons mentioned above. 

Leigh Thomas – Truuli Property Expert

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