Rental market expected outperform sales market over next 5 years
House prices have gone through the roof in recent years, but they are now falling amid soaring inflation and rising interest rates. Whilst landlords are raising
House prices have gone through the roof in recent years, but they are now falling amid soaring inflation and rising interest rates. Whilst landlords are raising
Sanderstead is a quaint village at the southern tip of Croydon in south London, with fascinating ties to English history and name origins – especially
For many homeowners, downsizing from a large home to a smaller abode can be an excellent opportunity for those looking to save money. By capitalising
Pets have always been the go-to companions for many people in the UK. They can help to combat loneliness and, in some cases, help with
The story of the Three Wise Men gifting gold to the baby Jesus has been told for centuries, but what if one of them had
Gardens and green space are becoming increasingly important features for home movers and renters alike. According to recent surveys by the Property Academy, 87% of
According to recent reports, 193,658 new build homes have been registered this year alone. This is the highest total of new builds since before the
One of the things I have enjoyed the most about working in Thornton Heath is that the area has always had a very strong community
Stamp Duty has been abolished on the first £250,000 of any property purchase, (up from £125,000), making an immediate saving of up to £2,500 for
94% of households within England and Wales are within one mile of an accessible woodland, despite the loss of almost half our ancient woodlands in
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