Matthew Keddo - Truuli Property Expert- Wallington

Join Truuli in welcoming Matthew Keddo, our new Property Partner covering the Wallington area

Matthew is a photography enthusiast who loves football, enjoys travelling, socialising and fundraising. Offering an abundance of property experience, Matthew will further bolster the wealth of knowledge within team Truuli by joining as a Property Partner covering the Wallington area. Let’s take some time to get to know Matthew a little better.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do?

What can I say about myself? The first thing is I love sports and playing sports! From a young age, I have always enjoyed keeping fit and enjoying what sport offers you mentally and physically; it has played a huge role in my life.

I developed a passion for photography around 15 years ago and have captured moments ever since. As cheesy as it sounds, it gives you an exhilarating feeling! It is exciting to think that through the skills and knowledge I have gained, I can create a memory for someone that will be visual for years and years by capturing a moment in time.

Matthew Keddo photography Truuli Wallington
Matthew Keddo Photography

I have been in the property industry for approximately 10 years now and I very much enjoy my career. It’s allowed me to do all things I set out to do from when I started my position as a sales negotiator to working my way up to the management level. I can say the industry has treated me well. 

My main focus is my family and making sure I can provide the best possible life for them. They are my main driver, the reason I get up and go every day and do what I do best. 

At Truuli, I am the local property expert covering the Wallington area.  This is an area I have always known and loved growing up. My family would regularly visit Beddington Park in the Summer for food and games, which we still do to this day. I played football in Wallington when I was in my youth, this was at Wallington Sports Club on Hillside Road and Mellows Park. I also started my Judo career in Wallington with the Yamabushi yodokan judo club on Wallington High Street which built my confidence as a young adolescent. Much of my family still live locally in places such as Mellows Road and I am also local to the area too.

What were you doing before you joined the team?

I used to work for an estate agent in the South West which I enjoyed, but I decided I would like to be more hands-on with my clients and work closer to home within an area I really know and love. At Truuli I have a better work-life balance and I get to communicate more with my clients, providing them with a more personalised service. I also work within a team that share the same common goal of success and happiness with relatable lifestyles; so the ship is always smoothly sailing in the right direction.

What would your previous clients say about you?

I always ask clients for feedback. I have been told that I am friendly and approachable, which I believe is vital in a face to face customer based role. My previous clients would also say I am charismatic and strong-willed, whilst being willing to go above and beyond to ensure our common goals are met. I also feel some would say I am methodical within my role in terms of the best way to move things forward when handling what is usually the most valuable asset in someone’s life, the buying and selling of their home.

I am aware that estate agents do not have the best reputation amongst many people, but I am a firm believer that you should not paint everyone with the same brush. Having bought and sold properties before I understand how stressful the process can be if an agent is not working in your best interest

What inspires you?

My family are my inspiration! I have two beautiful children and a wife who constantly supports me to be a good human, husband, hard worker and Father every day. I have a big extended family and grew up around many different people from various social backgrounds. I believe this has helped me appreciate others for who and what they are. I am inspired by others’ grit and determination to keep going in tough and good times regardless of their financial situation. I admire family values and loyal people who stand on their word.

When not at work, what do you do for fun?

When am I not at work haha!? I love playing football which I do weekly at the Goals pitches on Hannibal Way, near Wilson’s Grammar school. I am not quite sure how much longer I have left in these legs, but I intend to keep playing until they fall off.

I have recently developed a passion for cycling like many others did during the lockdown and I have actually got myself a pretty decent bike. I cycle on the weekends and plan to conquer Brighton, Southend and Leith Hill again this Summer with the intention of raising money for some of the charities I support such as Moorfields Eye charity.

Matthew Keddo Cycling

Holidays and short getaways with the family are lovely and I plan to do more of these again as we are now fortunate enough to be almost free from COVID restrictions. Oddly, as I have got older, grocery shopping has become fun. As well as binge-watching series until I fall asleep, I also find Saturday night TV enjoyable with family. I love spending time with my children, watching movies, playing football, building Lego and crashing hot wheels cars: that is always fun until my Son decides he wants to somersault off the sofa.

I also enjoy going out to eat with friends. However, I do not enjoy it so much when the huge bill comes. Jerk and Jollof on Manor Road, Wallington, is one of my favourite spots. I would recommend anyone local gives it a try.

Any parting words of wisdom?

“You have to be uncomfortable for a while to get comfortable.”

Join Truuli in welcoming Matthew Keddo, our new Property Partner covering the Wallington area Read More »